Course Builders

In this high-touch online program, I'll help you go from relying on client work or referrals to creating a signature online program and enrolling your first paid students in 8 weeks (or less).

Save my spot

"I have thought of creating a course for years but never knew what steps to take and always felt overwhelmed by the process.

Melissa makes designing and planning a course so fun and interesting. She is supportive, clear, encouraging, and honors everyone's unique approach and timeline. Also, so grateful for this fantastic community and I learn so much from others in the course.

Planning my course is helping all the aspects of my work fall into place with more clarity and ease. I feel so much more confident and aligned with all parts of my business. 

I take so many courses and this is the most valuable one I have ever encountered."



Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You're working a ton, but your revenue isn't where you want it to be. Whether you're dealing with demanding clients, prospecting, chasing sponsors, or creating 2347 new social media posts, it feels like your hours worked aren't reflected in your bottom line.
  • You want to make a bigger impact and help people on a bigger scale. But you have no clue how to create course videos, build the tech, automate #allthethings…it just feels like a huge undertaking.
  • You started a business to earn money doing work you love, and you have a deep desire to help others. But you also crave financial freedom and want to work less and earn more so you can create a stable, comfortable life for yourself and for your family.

Instead, imagine how it would feel to…

Earn a comfortable 6-figure living

(without burning out on 45+ hour weeks)

Become a go-to authority

(and sought-after collaborator)

Share your expertise & make an impact

(and share your passions worldwide)

All of this is possible as a course creator, even if you feel like you don't have a huge audience (yet) or have no clue where to start. 
And I can't wait to show you how...

Hey! I’m Melissa 👋

I’m a course creation expert and six-figure solopreneur with a pretty unique backstory. Because before I started Wit & Wire, I was fortunate enough to work for some of the biggest names in course creation:

Director of Marketing Engagement @ Teachable

I held many roles during my 4 years at Teachable. I led the project to product teachable:u, Teachable’s in-house curriculum for customers. My department also produced virtual summits, Black Friday promos, and large-scale email campaigns, so email marketing (and being a tech nerd) are definitely two of my strong suits. Plus, I pitched, produced, and hosted Teachable's podcast (#2 Career Podcast, USA).

Sr. Launch Manager @ Ramit Sethi

I oversaw the team that ran 12-18 online course launches per year, generating well over 8 figures annually.

Instructor @ General Assembly NY

I taught over 100 classes (on Excel & Data Analytics) and became one of the top-ranked instructors in New York.

I loved my work, but I dreamed about building a business of my own. 
And today, Wit & Wire is a multi-6-figure online course business with 3,500+ students worldwide.

Wit & Wire's 2023 cumulative revenue (primary streams)

But more importantly, I felt motivated to use my expertise to help more business owners expand their earning potential with online courses of their own.


Course Builders 🛠

Join Course Builders today to go from relying on client work & referrals to launching a signature online program and earning your first $10k-$25k in 8 weeks (without working overtime).

Save my spot

“The first day I launched the course I created in Course Builders, 10 people signed up, which meant that my investment in the program came back immediately to me. 

My next course launched later that year and had a 5-figure launch. We had people from four different countries. I was shocked."


Introducing the Course Lifecycle Method™

Our research shows that the most effective way to create a $100k+ online course is by using different teaching and marketing strategies at each stage of growth in order to earn consistently and sustainably over time. 



Make sure your course has long-term profit potential by developing your MVP course experience and enrolling your first paid cohort of Founding Students. 


Enroll more students, incorporate suggested feedback, and solidify your course experience to maximize results. Automate delivery and collect testimonials. 


Enroll more students, incorporate suggested feedback, and solidify your course experience to maximize results. Automate delivery and collect testimonials. 


Scale your revenue by increasing traffic to your proven offer. Personalize your unique mix of organic, paid, and partnership channels to enroll students on autopilot year-round.

Curriculum outline ✍️

Set your goals & launch timeline

Although the program is self-paced, I like to provide recommended guidelines about which tasks to complete if you want to launch on a set timeline.

There are two recommended timelines (60-day or 90-day), and I currently offer templates in Asana, ClickUp, and a printable Google Docs option. They can be modified to suit any schedule.


Choose your profitable idea

The #1 reason why failed courses don't sell isn't bad marketing; it's the deeper (tougher) truth that the course itself doesn't have a sellable outcome.

In this crucial foundational module, I'll teach you my Profitable Course Formula and help you rapid-test your idea to make sure it has real earning potential.


Price your course

What differentiates a $100 course from a $1,000 (or even a $10,000) course? In this module, you'll learn the 3 Pricing Levers to help you confidently set your course price without leaving money on the table (or isolating buyers).

You'll also learn about Phased Pricing and how to incorporate elements of authentic urgency and scarcity, like bonuses and special Founders' pricing.


Outline your curriculum

My goal is to help you create a world-class course that gets real results for your students. And to do that, I'll teach you the key principles of Adult Learning Theory that keep students engaged and motivated from start to finish.

Together, we'll package your expertise into a signature system with a clear step-by-step path of lessons and milestones that lead to real action.


Create engaging videos & resources

Good news: you don't need expensive equipment to film your online course. Instead, we want to focus on effective lesson delivery and creating professional-looking videos that don't need complicated editing.

You might also decide to deliver your Founders' Round live via Zoom, so I'll help you decide which teaching strategy is right for you, both short- and long-term.


Build a seamless tech experience

Choosing the right course platform is crucial, and it's not a one-size-fits-all decision. In this module, I'll help you analyze your unique course needs to make the right choices for your business.

From there, I offer short step-by-step video tutorials to help you set everything up from recording, editing, building, and publishing so that you and your students have a seamless experience. (Even if you aren't very tech savvy.)


Enroll your first paid students

For a brand new course, I don't recommend large-scale strategies like webinars or paid ads. Instead, we'll use a strategy called Conversational Selling to enroll your first 5-20 students from your existing audience. (Remember, the goal for your first round is to get paid to develop curriculum and validate demand.)

This section also includes templates for a Simple Sales Doc, Founders' Email Pitch Sequence, and Social Media Invites.


Elevate your course & prepare to scale

Course Builders doesn't end when you make the sale. Instead, I'm committed to helping you deliver a first-class experience for your Founders so you can collect raving testimonials, plus invaluable feedback to improve your curriculum.

After your first cohort wraps, I'll teach you how to use student signals to improve and elevate your course experience before you enroll your second cohort of students.


The result 📈

You’ll not only enroll your first students and earn your first $10k-$25k+ as a course creator within 8 weeks, but you’ll also end up with a top-rated online course and sales engine that you can continue to sell for years to come.

“Melissa's teaching method works because it comes from her own professional experience as a teacher and an online course creator as well. 

Today, just one year after joining Course Builders, I’ve successfully launched four cohorts of my course and enrolled students from 15+ countries.”

Lucy Jeon, global career strategist

Are you ready to become a profitable course creator?

Join Course Builders today to go from relying on client work and referrals to launching a signature online program and earning your first $10k-$25k in 8 weeks.


$400 x 5

Choose plan



Choose plan

100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Try this course in full for 14 days, and if you aren't happy with your purchase, you can email within 14 days of your enrollment date and we'll issue a full refund.

The Wit & Wire program experience ✨

It’s no coincidence that Wit & Wire’s programs get such glowing reviews. I've combined my training in Adult Leaning Theory with my industry expertise to intentionally design a course that leads to consistent action & real results. (And I'll help you do the same.)


Self-paced curriculum

Right when you join, you'll immediately unlock access to the entire self-paced curriculum.

This is updated regularly, so you’ll always have my latest & best course creation strategies. I also take requests if you have ideas to enhance the program.

Live Course Consulting (6 months)

It's natural to have blind spots in our own businesses, or to get stuck when we expand. That's why I include live weekly consulting sessions to help Course Builders get unstuck and launch with confidence.

(We currently meet on Thursdays at 4 PM EST.)

Personalized reviews from Melissa

If you can't come to a live call, or if you need support in between, you can submit work for me to personally review. I respond in writing or with short video audits.

For example, I can review your curriculum outline, your sales page, your course pricing, anything.

Private student community

We have a student community space where you can start discussions, celebrate wins, and share feedback with each other. (It's built in Circle, not Facebook.)

You’ll have a dedicated login to participate. There’s also an app if you prefer to participate on your phone.

Plus, unlock 15+ time-saving templates & scripts

Throughout the course, there are worksheets, guides, scripts, and templates to help you save time and launch as quickly and effectively as possible.

Course Naming Formulas

Google Docs, Printable

Curriculum Outline Templates

Google Docs, Google Sheets, Notion, Airtable, Printable

Course Pricing Worksheet

Google Docs, Printable

Course Slide Template

Google Slides, PowerPoint

Sales Page Template

Google Docs, Notion

Student Onboarding Sequence

Google Slides, PowerPoint

Additional Resources Include: Profitable Course Workbook, Learning Conversations Guide, Signature System Mapping, Video Equipment Guide, Checkout Page Templates, Sales Email Sequence, Social Media Sales Scripts, and more

In short, my goal is to go above-and-beyond

This isn’t the kind of program where you’ll never interact with the instructor. I’m familiar with all current students’ courses and businesses, and sincerely look forward to helping you create your course and offering dedicated, personalized support.

“Melissa covers all the marketing but also has an educator’s background. She teaches you how to get conversions, but her heart is in helping people and in helping you help them. 

I trusted her with this really important decision — it was a big leap. And it was worth every penny. ”

James Hurst, founder of Screenright, courses for aspiring screenwriters

Are you ready to scale sustainably?

Join Course Builders today to go from relying on client work and referrals to launching a signature online program and earning your first $10k-$25k in 8 weeks.



Choose plan
  • Phase 1: Offer Packaging
  • Phase 2: Program Experience Design™️
  • Phase 3: Scalable Sales
  • Lifetime access to curriculum & Template Vault
  • BONUS: Course Consulting Circle 
    (6 months; $1,500 standard price)



Choose plan
  • Phase 1: Offer Packaging
  • Phase 2: Program Experience Design™️
  • Phase 3: Scalable Sales
  • Lifetime access to curriculum & Template Vault
  • BONUS: Course Consulting Circle 
    (6 months; $1,500 standard price)

100% satisfaction guarantee

I’m really proud of the high-quality programs we produce here at Wit & Wire, and it’s important to me that you feel confident and excited about joining this program.

But since I’ve worked in the online course space for 8+ years, I also completely understand that not all programs are created equally, and I’ve been burned by bad purchases before. So I completely get it if you’re feeling skeptical or concerned.

That’s why we offer a full 14 days to explore the program. If you still aren’t satisfied, email us within 14 days of your enrollment date and we’ll refund your purchase.


Want proof that Course Builders really works?

Hear directly from recent alumni, including the successes they’ve achieved using these exact course creation strategies.

Not sure if Course Builders is right for you?

Here are a few recommendations to help you make a decision.

This could be for you if...

You're a coach, consultant, freelancer, or business owner and you're looking for a way to expand beyond 1:1 work. (You're exhausted and want more freedom in your schedule.)

You're a content creator or influencer and you've built a decent online following, but sponsorships just aren't bringing in enough money.

You're willing to put in the work to create a high-quality course that works, not just sell a course that brings in passive income but doesn't deliver on the promise sold to students. (If anything, you want to overdeliver.)

You want to make an impact and help others. That doesn't mean you don't want to earn - I'm a big believer in getting paid for your expertise! - but you're motivated by a mission and sincerely want to make a difference.

But not if...

You're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. These strategies don't happen overnight, and you have to put in work to get the results.

You want to sell a minicourse. (These strategies work best for courses priced $500-$1,000+.)

For you, I'd recommend Mini Masters.

You're a new business owner, and you're just getting started online. For you, I'd recommend starting with a mini course or 1:1 clients to get a little momentum (and money) and learn what people need.

As you grow, that's when it often makes sense to scale with a signature course or program.

So my recommended prerequisites for Course Builders include:
  • Experience working with 1:1 clients
  • An email list of 500+ people OR an engaged following on another platform 

There have been exceptions in the past, so if you want to chat more, please don't hesitate to contact us.

You have 500+ email subscribers or an engaged following on any other platform. (If you're confident you could enroll a founding group, that's enough.)

Frequently asked questions

Here are a few helpful answers to some of our most commonly-asked questions:

A lot of us are working every spare hour we can. But too often, we aren’t spending our time on work that actually earns us money. Instead we…
  • create content
  • leave comments
  • answer DMs
  • do all the things to drive traffic

But if you don’t have a scalable product (like a course) for your business, then you’re…
  • just sending traffic into a void where you don't have a way to meet the needs of your audience
  • only working 1:1 where your clients own your time and your priorities always come last…and eventually you’re going to hit a point of burnout (if you’re not already there!)

Courses provide you with an amazing level of freedom. Not only financial freedom, but also...
time freedom
  • getting to choose who you work with (and declining anyone who isn't a perfect fit)
  • being on your own schedule
  • getting to decide how to be a whole human outside of your business

So if you want to create more impact & income online (and hit those almost-mythical “I support my entire family from this” months) without having to always be tied to your services, sponsors, or 1:1 clients…

Then yes! Creating a course is for you! And I hope you’ll join me inside Course Builders so we can make this a reality for you together.

We typically recommend course creation for online business owners who have previously sold their expertise in some way, typically as a coach or service provider. It’s also a great fit for content creators, like bloggers, YouTubers, or influencers.

And although you definitely don’t need a huge audience, we loosely recommend having an audience of 500+ email subscribers or a small following on any content or social media platform. (We’ve had Course Builders do well with smaller audiences if they’re comfortable with cold outreach, but that’s our broad advice.)

With that in mind, if you’re brand new to business (i.e. you haven’t had any clients, don’t have a website, and don’t have an audience yet) then Email Engines might be a great place to start. 

Feel free to contact us if you want a second opinion. We’d be happy to help you decide if Course Builders is right for you, and we’ll give you our honest advice. 

You have lifetime access to the Course Builders curriculum and student community as long as the program is active. 

That includes future updates and additions, and we do update the program regularly based on student requests & industry updates.

The calls are currently held weekly on Thursdays at 4 PM EST. You’ll have access to these calls for 6 months starting on your enrollment date, and you’ll have the option to pay to extend your access by 3 or 6 months when the expiration date gets closer (no pressure!)

Feel free to reach out to me and my team anytime at, or click here to contact us.

“Course Builders is one of the best classes I've ever taken. Before I took this class, I had tried to create an online course on my own, but even with the help of online tutorials, I hit a brick wall. I ran into technical questions I couldn't answers, problems I couldn't even begin to articulate, and I honestly couldn't see how to get from Point A to Point B.

I signed up for Course Builders because I'd watched several of Melissa's YouTube tutorials and could see that she intimately understands the various platforms course creators use and how to combine them. And learning the ins and outs of the tech has been one of the best parts of the class.

But I also benefitted from so many other aspects--including the sections on profitable course ideas, the benefits of a signature method, and the elements of course sections and lessons. I learned everything I needed to know to create a profitable course and am now about to teach a full section of my founders' round of my new course, Platform Building 101 for Emerging Writers.

Melissa is a natural educator with a gift for explanation that's quite extraordinary. She's invested in her students' success as educators and business owners and this investment is palpable through her thorough answers to student questions and her creation of new materials throughout the course based on student needs. This course exceeded my expectations, and I totally recommend it to anyone ready to create a course of their own.”


“Melissa is natural educator with a gift for explanation that's quite extraordinary.”

Are you ready to become a profitable course creator?

Join Course Builders today to create a top-rated online course so you can make a bigger impact and add a scalable revenue stream to your business. 



Choose plan
  • Self-paced curriculum
  • Live weekly group coaching (6 mo)
  • Instructor feedback on your work
  • Guided checkpoints & accountability
  • Vault of templates & checklists
  • Private student community



Choose plan
  • Self-paced curriculum
  • Live weekly group coaching (6 mo)
  • Instructor feedback on your work
  • Guided checkpoints & accountability
  • Vault of templates & checklists
  • Private student community

100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Try this course in full for 14 days, and if you aren't happy with your purchase, you can email within 14 days of your enrollment date and we'll issue a full refund.