Online programs for course creators

Browse our top-rated online programs to learn how we can help you expand your earning potential as a profitable course creator.

“This by far has been the best online program I've invested in. I am so intimidated by the use of technology and the best thing about this class was how Melissa laid it all out and explained how tools were used from a range of beginner to advanced.”


Signature programs

With a blend of actionable curriculum, personalized instructor feedback, and live group coaching, our signature programs have been intentionally designed to help you get results with expert guidance. 


Email Engines

In this new course, we’ll help you systematize your email marketing so you can algorithm-proof your business and sustainably build an audience of buyers for your business. (No previous email list needed; this course includes tool recommendations and tech tutorials for all experience levels.)

Create value-packed newsletters

Join the waitlist

Publish a high-converting freebie funnel

Add 1,000+ subscribers to your email list

Build strategic automations with defined CTAs

Demystify lists, tagging, and segmentation for good

Re-opens in Fall 2024.


Mini Masters

In this new online program, I’ll help you plan, create, and sell a new minicourse or mini product within 8 weeks so you can start earning consistent, scalable revenue online.

I’ll also help you create a Magnetic Mini Funnel to attract leads long-term and earn money consistently, with or without social media.

(No prior audience required.)

See program details
Watch the free training

“Melissa was the perfect person to teach me how to scale because she can see the big picture of what you need to do (and why!) and also see how you should optimize each individual element. 

It’s such a rare thing for somebody to be able to see the big business picture as well as understand all the technical stuff and explain it well."

Theo Nestor, creator of Platform Building 101


Course Builders

In this high-touch program, I'll help you launch a top-rated signature course (priced $500-$5000) so you can add a scalable revenue stream to your business & become known for your expertise.

Price & package your strategic offer

Join the waitlist

Outline & create engaging curriculum

Choose the right tools & build your course

Enroll your first paid students

Collect testimonials & elevate your experience

Re-opens in Winter 2024.

“Melissa covers all the marketing but also has an educator’s background. She teaches you how to get conversions, but her heart is in helping people and in helping you help them. 

I trusted her with this really important decision — it was a big leap. And it was worth every penny. ”

James Hurst, founder of Screenright, courses for aspiring screenwriters

Free resources

Elevate your earning potential with one of our most popular freebies:


The Mini Product Masterclass 💰

In this live training, I’ll teach you how to use mini products - like templates and minicourses - strategically to earn 5 figures per month, even if you're starting from scratch.

Learn more

The Course Creation Toolkit ⚒️

This comprehensive free guide includes the exact equipment & software we recommend to create curriculum, record videos, and sell profitable online courses, including a side-by-side comparison of the best course creation platforms.

Download it